Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cant Wait for Baby H

Dear my little one,

I cant wait welcoming you. I want to see, kiss and hug you. I want you to be my best listener sooner but now let me tell you about something

When your dad asked me to be his wife, on that day I decided to leave everything. You know darling, when someone married, it means she/he has to leave friends, parents and family for someone who he/she loves forever.

As a new comer in your dad's family, I have to adapt with the new things and those are not easy, babe. So your dad is a bridge for me to do them. Thats not easy become a wife. I have to respect what my husband's command moreover I am a stubborn woman.

Sedih akutuh

Hari ini harusnya bisa beli sarapan nasi uduk dan udah bawa nasi (tok) tapi warung nasinya tutup :( yaudah berangkat gitu aja siapa tau di j...